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Oysterduinen Verkoop
Open days

Open days at Oysterduinen

Open days Oysterduinen - October 11 & 12

Take a look at one of the latest available recreational homes

Open days Oysterduinen

Take a look at one of the latest available homes combined with a visit to Yerseke at Sea!

Take a look during the open days

At Oysterduinen we organize open days at various moments so you can admire our range of offers with your own eyes. So are you interested in one of our luxurious villas in Yerseke? Complete the form below, visit an open day at our location in Zeeland, and let our consultants inform you about the investment opportunities at Oysterduinen.

Where and when?

  • Friday, Oct. 11
  • Saturday, Oct. 12
  • Between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Burenpolderweg 30a, 4401 KX Yerseke

Schedule your visit ⤵︎

We currently have not scheduled any open days, make a personal appointment through the form below. 

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We will try to accommodate your desired date and time. If your chosen time is not possible, we will contact you.
Secured by reCaptcha, privacy policy and terms of service apply.

Where and when?

  • Friday, Oct. 11
  • Saturday, Oct. 12
  • Between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Burenpolderweg 30a, 4401 KX Yerseke

Where and when?

  • Currently there are no open days scheduled. Please make a personal appointment using the form. 
  • Burenpolderweg 30a, 4401 KX Yerseke


What can you expect?

  • Coffee will be ready
  • Discover the investment possibilities
  • Meet our sales consultant
  • View the homes